Monday, October 24, 2011

Iphone around the world

China has over 10 million users on the iPhone. While they cannot utilize 3G, they use the 2G/Edge like T-mobile in the US. More on modmyi

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Looking For Pokemon On your iDevice? well heres how

Wanted pokemon? then heres how.
1. Jailbreak your ipod/iphone/ipad/etc.
2. In cydia go to manage: sources
3. Also in cydia download iFile Cracked and gpSphone cracked (only if you dont want to pay for either app) under the sinfuliphonerepo section
4. go to iFile and at the bottom there will be a wifi bar looking thing. Click on that for a link that says "accepting connection at (" plug that number into your browser.
5. Then on that site go to /var/mobile/media/ROMs/GBA
6. from there you can load whatever ROMs you want to play on the Gameboy Emulator.

Alternate way if iFile doesn't work: (only for windows) (after step 3) i-Funbox
2. plug your iDevice into your computer
3. in i-Funbox go to raw file system
4. then go to /var/mobile/media/ROMs/GBA
5. then add the roms.

Also you guys also need the bios file, so i can email that to you.
Looking for ROM's?
In cydia there is a repo:
Update 1: You can manually find roms and put them into your folder. Also, found online!


If you want the pokemon ROMs I can email them to you. Just comment and leave your emails below.

Questions or comments? also leave those below

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

iOS 5 released

iOS 5 is now released. Unlocks and untethered JB to be released soon

Friday, October 7, 2011

4G in the status bar?

AT&T is working with Apple to put a 4G in the iPhone 4S Status Bar. ModmyI on iPhone 4S "4G"

At the moment there is no true "4G" in the US. Speeds are not as fast as projected by true 4G. Out of all American Carriers, Verizon is the fastest, but even the majority of their smart phones cannot yet handle "4G". 4G wireless speed tests

Jailbreakme unsafe? is no longer safe for Jailbreakers. ModmyI on was sold to an unknown buyer. There is work on moving previous tools from to It is a work in progress and has not been completed yet

UPDATE: JailbreakMe was given to Jay Freeman (@Saurik) and is now back online. ModmyI on JailbreakMe

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Cydia Repos

Cydia Repository Lists:
Here is one of the best compiled Repo lists I've seen so far: List of Cydia Repositories
Some of my favorites weren't mentioned so heres another site where they are: Top 10 Cydia sources of 2011

SSH tools needed?

SSH utilities:

Jailbreaking Utilites

Jailbreaking Utilities:
Sn0wbreeze: (Will Preserve Baseband)
(JailbreakMe has been given to Saurik, and now is safe to jailbreak from again)
PwnageTool: PwnageTool on Dev-Team

iOS firmwares needed? check it out

Ever need an iOS firmware but can't find it? check it out at


iPhone 4S offers a new feature known as SIRI. Siri will no longer work as an app on previous iDevices and be native to the iPhone 4S.  Check out the link about it: Modmyi on SIRI